Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Mosque at Ground Zero and Islam in America

Today I did a special 30 minute episode on the Mosque at Ground Zero and talked alittle about Islam and Muslims in America. I didn’t really have enough time on today’s show to get in-depth on the issue and was often clouded by the rush of emotions I felt talking about the events of that horrible day on Sept. 11, 2001. Like I said on the show I am torn into two different directions on this issue. I take great pride in my Christian values and my strong belief in upholding the Constitution as the law of the land. These two attributes of my character have torn me into two different directions on the issue of the ground zero mosque. First and foremost let me state that the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, grants all Americans the freedom of religion and expression. Thus is it really the right thing to do to try to stop a mosque from being built anywhere on American soil. No I don’t think it’s right to do just that. Our Founding Fathers very well might have said the same thing. By doing so violates the Constitution of the United States of America. However the location of the mosque is an emotional one to say the least for many Americans especially those that lost their loved ones on that horrible day. The United States was blatantly attacked by terrorists flying under the banner of Islam. They used their religion as an excuse to take life. To build a mosque at that location is a slap in the face to all of us Americans. The issue here is the lack of respect. Out of respect they should not build the mosque in that location plain and simple. However the harsh reality of this world proves one thing and one thing only the term respect has very little meaning in America anymore. That’s the true issue here. Is it legal for them to do so, well as long as they do everything by the book and do not violate any city or state building codes or laws then yes it is legal. Does it offend people because it’s a blatant act of respect…surely it does.
Unfortunately there are many peaceful respectful Muslims out there in America. They have proven just that during the events of 9/11 and they are caught in the middle of this whole mess. As difficult as it may be we must look past the emotions and the feelings of hatred and racism in this issue and judge people by their character not by the actions of the extreme factions of their religion. We must think things through with a clear head instead of promote violence towards and entire religion just because of a few bad apples. I know that using a term like that might show some level of minimizing the events and the dangers surrounding the extreme factions of Islam, but in a sense it is true. I have to think about my co-worker and friend who just happens to be Muslim. I judge him by his character and not his religion. He is just like me in a sense. He comes to work, some does doesn’t want to be there. He works hard just to put food on his table and is concerned about the future of this country. He doesn’t understand much about the inner workings of politics in this country, but he knows that we are going in a dangerous direction. We have talked about his country, culture, and religion on many occasions and he talks about his homeland fondly, however he also talks like an American. He talks about coming over here for a better life, and better opportunities for his family and children. I have never heard him utter a single harsh word ever. Some of us say we hate our job he usually says he just doesn’t want to be at work that day. He has his faults just like the rest of us and doesn’t like the fact that the terrorists that they talk about on the news promote racism towards people in his religion. He also admits that there are extreme factions in his religion and does not support their cause. He is offended that they use his religion as an excuse to commit wrongdoings in the world. In a sense he has helped me realize that there are good people that just happen to be Muslim. However make no mistake the extreme factions exist and pose a danger to the free world. We must be careful and chose our battles carefully and make sure that they are truly justified. We must look past the feelings of hatred and bigotry and make sure that we judge people on actions and merit and not on race or religion.
The bottom line is this…a radical Muslim threat is very real and we need to be on our guard. IF you look at the website for Park 51 (the ground zero mosque) you will see terms in their mission statement like empowerment and social justice. All red flags in my book. Ironically if you look at the Park 51 website it doesn’t look like a website that promotes a Muslim place of worship. A true place of worship would have no problem saying what they are, but these Muslims that are backing this disrespectful ground zero mosque are hiding something plain and simple and because of that they need to be on guard. Bloomberg says that they will reach out to the community. Are they trying to battle the racial injustices that peaceful Muslims face or are they trying to spread like weeds in the garden of freedom. These questions still remain, and I think the opposition against them is justified. All I can say is this my friends. Keep your wits about you and use common sense. Do not get baited into a race war over this. That may be their intentions after all. Choose our battles carefully. Protest the mosque in New York not the mosque across town. Protest and counteract the actions of the powerful Muslims in the New York community that are slapping America in the face not the Muslims that may live down the street. My faith teaches me to turn the other cheek and love thy neighbor. At times emotions come into play and it is difficult to do so, but we must pray for the strength to do just that. DO not be silent on this issue by any means, but like I said use common sense.

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