Republican Party of Texas - During the recent debate on the General Appropriations Act, several Republican Party members successfully defunded Planned Parenthood by $61 Million. These members' actions diverted tax money from abortion procedures and instead funneled the funds to worthwhile programs such as Alternatives to Abortion.
The Republican Party of Texas commends these members for their unwaivering commitment to life. Representatives Dwayne Bohac, Warren Chisum, Wayne Christian, Bryan Hughes, Jodie Laubenberg, Sid Miller, Jim Murphy, Charles Perry, Randy Weber, and Bill Zedler are all to be applauded for their cooperative efforts. This alliance of conservatives ensured that fewer taxpayer dollars go to abortion procedures.
RPT Chairman Steve Munisteri stated, "I am proud of the dedication to life issues demonstrated by these representatives. Taxpayers have let us know they do not want their money to go to abortion providers. These Republicans responded to that call. Throughout the budget process, the obvious focus was on balancing Texas' books and restricting government functions within Texas' means. These members additionally realized the number of unborn lives at stake, and acted effectively."
House Bill 1 is on its way to the Senate. After the Senate approves its own version of the budget, the two chambers will negotiate a final budget in conference committee.
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