Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Limbaugh Offers Theory on Obama Releasing Cert: ‘It’s All About the Polling Data’ | The Blaze

Limbaugh Offers Theory on Obama Releasing Cert: ‘It’s All About the Polling Data’ | The Blaze

Only Rush Limbaugh could infuse talk of a “snore fest,” unions, and his own appearance on reality TV while talking about the hot news of the day: Obama releasing his long-form birth certificate. Limbaugh tackled the issue in typical Limbaugh manner on radio today, laughing about the whole thing while also making some serious points.

In a 10-minute monologue at the opening of his radio program, Limbaugh offered his thoughts on why Obama chose to all of a sudden release the document.

For starters, why did Obama wait to reveal his long-form birth certificate? According to Rush Limbaugh, the answer is simple: “It’s all about the polling data.”

“I think up until now the polling data showed it was a winning issue for Obama; the birthers were considered crackpots, [and] the polling data showed that as long as it continued that way there was hay to be made by Obma not releasing the birth certificate and stoking these people,” he said.

“Then trump comes along,” he explained, “and I really believe that the internal polling data that the White House runs shows that the issue was starting to take place.”

Then Trump moved on to some comedy, characterizing the release as a “reality star,” Trump, forcing the president‘s hand before calling Trump’s press conference “absolutely hilarious” compared to Obama’s “snore fest.” And just to rub it in, he wondered if NBC reality star TV trainer Jillian Michaels (from “The Biggest Loser”) might force Obama to produce a budget.

Watch below, courtesy of Daily Rushbo:

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