Monday, April 11, 2011

Harry Reid: Abortion funding is higher priority than keeping government running and paying the troops | Red White Blue News

Harry Reid: Abortion funding is higher priority than keeping government running and paying the troops | Red White Blue News

The U.S. House approved a stopgap spending bill to keep the government open through next week and assure our troops get paid, although President Barack Obama said he would veto the measure and a shutdown still looms…. Saying the Republican one-week budget extension is a distraction and Obama has threatened to veto it.’….Glad to see assuring our troops get paid is a “distraction.”

Abortion is more important than funding our troops?

“Now listen to me folks, with a simple signature the president can ensure our military personal, who are already at enormous risk, both personal and financial, and sacrifice so much, and so do their families, will be protected financially – with a signature,” Levin said. “And he won’t do it. Reagan did it. Clinton did it. But Obama won’t do it. Now why do you think that is?” Mark Levin

The National Journal reported, via HotAir:

“We agreed on a number last night,” Reid told reporters in the Senate Press Gallery. He said he is “really upset that this government is going to shut down” because of GOP efforts to limit access to abortion.

A spokesman for Boehner has challenged Reid’s account, saying that continuing differences over spending cuts, not the abortion rider, remain the problem.

BTW….Has Obama left for vacation yet?

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