Friday, March 25, 2011

The Facts about Obama’s Ineligibility are Becoming More and More Clear| The Post & Email

The Facts about Obama’s Ineligibility are Becoming More and More Clear| The Post & Email

(Mar. 24, 2011) — Mr. Lolli, it is good to hear a careful and reasoned analysis of the situation. For most citizens the subtleties of legal reasoning are foreign. Their conscious hours are spent with tactical problems: jobs, family and taxes. The “birther” campaign has been successful because those who know they haven’t the facts to argue are inclined to dismiss claims that a president must have two citizen parents as political extremism. They have heard too many fantastic stories about forged documents and the claimed testimony from wisened supposed relatives in Kenya.

It doesn’t help that the claims are so often made by people who clearly haven’t read our legal history or that there is no way to substantiate such claims. That ploy was also exercised by Chester Arthur, who always had a birth certificate from Vermont but abetted the rumors surrounding his Canadian birth by providing false dates and false ages for his parents. His problem, like Obama’s, was a British subject for a father.

Without having experience in the power circles who stand to gain or lose from exposing Obama’s illigitimacy, it is hard for many to grasp that pundits like Levin and Limbaugh, financially comfortable, could so easily be ruined by the quiet financial giants manipulating Obama. Nathan Deal, Georgia congressman, only asked, and faced the IRS and ethics charges which he knew he couldn’t fight. The financial assassination of Scooter Libby by a corrupt Justice Department, Democratic enforcer Patrick Fitzgerald, even while GW was President, is what a legislator knows he will certainly face if he threatens exposing Obama officially. Our State Department and Colin Powell (and GW Bush) always knew Bill Armitage leaked the information about Valerie Plame, as did Fitzgerald, and still prosecuted a lie. That is a taste of the justice we are headed for. Probably, there are exigencies we don’t know about, but it was still all a lie.

Obama’s handlers control the media. No private individual can prevail against a corrupt Justice Department. “My People” Eric Holder insures that we are probably in a holding pattern (no pun) until he and Obama are removed. They have played their hand, and unless the revolution is concluded before 2012, which is quite possible, the Constitution is an historical artifact, as Obama described it in 2002. Judges are captive because for any decision, there is another judge to stay it. California’s initiatives (Prop. 8, for example) can be dismissed by a judge. Obamacare can be declared unconstitutional, but there is no legal authority to effect the injunction. Union-controlled government employees are bankrupting the nation by design and will eventually impose tyranny because they know that their families will suffer if they don’t. They don’t, most of them, realize that bringing down the nation will still cost many of them their jobs, along with the freedom for their children.

Judges who threaten to do their duty, like former Marine Officer David O. Carter, who promised discovery if Orly Taitz, regardless of what anyone thinks of the quality of her legal work, would forego her right to discovery when Justice Department lawyers missed their reply date, found himself co-opted. Carter suddenly acquired a Bob Bauer clerk, a Middle Eastern attorney with a degree from an Eastern European Law School; then Carter broke his promise. We appear to be playing by rules from the former USSR, which is probably what drives the Moldavian native Taitz to fight with what tools she has. She escaped it once, and doesn’t want her refuge for her new family, natural born children, destroyed by similar forces.

Meanwhile, as described by David Horowitz, the alliance of Islamism and Communism is making major inroads to control the energy supplies to the Democratic Socialist world by disrupting the fragile Middle Eastern nations, one after the other, with the help of Google and the U.S. Military. The model is probably Iran, though Iran, up until Jimmy Carter, was rapidly evolving into a country where individual rights prevailed over seventh-century religious fanaticism, and women attended school, even college, with men, without burqas. People forget that it was the KGB-controlled socialist party in Iran which skillfully undermined the Shah, controlling “youth movements” to incite responses from the Shah’s police which were lavishly covered by the Western press. What the Soviets got was Khomeni and the return of religious-political tyranny which they knew they could easily defeat when necessary and manipulate in the meantime; while religious extremists die willingly and their management structures are inefficient and relatively ineffective, as the Israelis have shown again and again.

Some of us have recently learned something of our founders’ and framers’ intent, in no small part from independent journalists such as Sharon Rondeau, and attorneys without so much to lose (but their freedom) such as Mario Apuzzo and Leo Donofrio. Perhaps we can help others understand? There really aren’t legal questions any more. More than a dozen justices of the Supreme Court have repeated the idea, cited by John Marshall, “born on the soil of parents who are citizens.”

Many of us would like to see an amendment or clarification, a careful one, taking a cue from Claire McCaskill, who, like every other senator, blackmailed Republicans who might have raised the issue when she filed SB 2678 in Feb 2008 – “A Bill to Insure That Foreign Born Children of Citizens in the Military are Eligible to Be President.” Obviously, she knew. Her bill was a warning to McCain to play ball or throw the election to Hillary. The bill failed to clear the Senate, but was never meant to pass. It was meaningless unless filed as an amendment. Our framers were clearly concerned less with jus soli – birthplace – than with allegiance, as Federalists 2-5 by John Jay indicate – fearing most a child who inherits his allegiance from a parent without sole allegiance to our republic, paraphrasing 14th Amendment author John Bingham. The allegiances of Barack Sr. were never a secret but were never enough, in our world of cultural relativism, to concern today’s voters. They certainly concerned our framers, which is why natural born Citizenship was made a requirement for the presidency.

Keep up the good work. More and more people are showing that they understand the truth. It will only be too late when we have lost our 1st Amendment rights.

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