Friday, March 25, 2011

Dem. Senator’s Shocking Comment: Tea Partiers ‘Don’t Deserve the Freedoms That are in the Constitution’ | The Blaze

Dem. Senator’s Shocking Comment: Tea Partiers ‘Don’t Deserve the Freedoms That are in the Constitution’ | The Blaze

So much for that Equal Protection clause.

During a pro-Planned Parenthood rally in New Jersey this week, Democratic Senator Frank Lautenberg (NJ) reportedly blasted Republicans and conservatives who are against funding the pro-abortion group. And by blasted we mean he doesn’t believe they deserve all the rights found in the Constitution:

The Tea Party Republicans in Washington claim they’re concerned about the budget balance, but it’s a disguise! It’s not true! It’s a lie! That’s not what they want. They want — they want other people not to be able to have their own opinions. They don’t deserve the freedoms that are in the Constitution! But we’ll give them to them anyway.

Sure, at the end he says “we’ll give it to them anyway.” But as Hot Air points out, that’s at best patronizing.

The comments are quickly coming under heavy fire from pro-life advocates.

“Lautenberg’s remarks and attitude were extremely inappropriate for a U.S. Senator,” Marie Tasy, the director of New Jersey Right to Life, told, adding that the comment “bears repeating because it provides evidence of how Planned Parenthood and its supporters actually feel.”

“This statement is shameful coming from a U.S. Senator,” she added. “Lautenberg made these remarks surrounded by Planned Parenthood employees, supporters and state lawmakers who applauded him. These remarks are absolutely shameful and need to be exposed.”

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