Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of the Union: The Calm Before the Bull S#!& Storm

Ah yes to many of us that follow American politics this is the night. Political theater at it’s best. Will we see a new Obama, one that actually has begun to “get it” or will we see Obama, with the help of a good acting coach, just standing there telling us what we want to hear? I suspect the latter. After all doesn’t the saying go that the leopard cannot change his spots? Call me pessimistic and I won’t argue with you. I don’t have high hopes for the state of the union address. We can all assume at this point that the focus will be about jobs, but there is nothing Washington is willing to do about the unemployment rates in this country that will really work. They are too self centered and too greedy to say the least. Well maybe not all of them but the established old guard is and they are the one with enough connections to push their agendas with the new members of congress trying as hard as they can, but I have little hope they will actually accomplish anything good. Now I know they got obamacare repealed, but it still has to go through the senate and then be signed by the president himself…which is exactly what I mean.
Anymore the whole thing is a joke. I’ll watch it, but part of me thinks why should I? It’s just going to tell me what I want to hear and that is that the president “get’s it” and will start to take measures to turn this country around. The fact of the matter is he doesn’t get it. We have been screaming about unemployment since the rates started to skyrocket, but did they even take measures that will really work. The left fought the Bush Tax breaks, but tax breaks especially for businesses would mean more money to invest in things like say jobs! Look I’m not going to go into my thoughts on how the government should take a step back and get the hell out of the private sector and let the economy properly heal itself. That’s another rant all in itself. Obama will be arrogant and talk the talk, but when it comes to walking the walk on jobs the poor man doesn’t have a clue what to do. I have an idea let’s fire him so he can see what it’s like to be out of a job in America in 2011. Too bad that wouldn’t actually work. He may be smart, but he is an idiot.

Then there is spending. My God we are on the road to collapse under the national debt. Seriously. It makes me sick when I hear politicians talking about reducing spending like it’s a minor issue. They either don’t realize how serious the debt is or don’t care. They don’t realize that we as a nation can no longer survive under a debt as large as we have! If this continues and doesn’t get under serious control with some serious reduction then we are looking at the collapse of the United States of America. It’s about time this president and the political elite in Washington take this really seriously and produces some serious results. If not then years down the road the United States will be on the list with the ancient Roman empire, ancient Greece, Spain, etc. without a doubt. He will mention his plans to reduce the deficit, but then I suspect later on down the speech he will be pushing for the national railway system, green job research, and so on. All of which imply government spending.

I could go on, but I just wanted to put a few thoughts down so I could come back and say “HA! I told you so!”. I just want to touch base on two other points. First will the Supreme Court be a no show? I hope to God they don’t show just to send the message to this arrogant president that you can’t reprimand the Supreme Court on national television during the state of the union address. That was such a disgusting unprofessional display last year when he actually had the balls to do just that. So yes I hope they don’t show! It would be a bold statement to say the least.

Finally last, the new seating chart. Give me a break mixing up the parties! That right there has proven to me that this isn’t a serious address, but political theater. They care more about how to sell the lies and not about the country itself. If I watch it (at this point I’m planning on reading the transcript instead) the only thing I’m looking forward to is not seeing Pelosi’s botox infested face the whole time behind Obama!

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