Monday, January 24, 2011

Is there no morality left in this world? A Commentary

“Is there no morality left in this world?” is a quote from Vincent Price in a movie called ‘Comedy of Terrors’. Price stars along side some ‘b’ horror movie greats like Boris Karloff, Peter Lorrie, and Basil Rathbone. It’s about two funeral directors in danger of losing their family funeral parlor business and decide to start killing people to drum up business. If you have never seen it I strongly suggest you seek it out. It’s not a horror movie per say it’s a comedy done in the late 60’s if my memory serves me correctly. Ah good old classic horror movies where you didn’t see people tortured and slaughtered in gruesome detail. The type of horror where only enough was shown and your imagination took over. Horror movies that starred respectable actors that were forced to rely on their acting talents not their looks or image. I’m a fan of the classics to say the least, especially Price…I thought he was perfect for the genre. Talented, could easily have that sinister creepy look about him, and a voice that was a horror fans nightmare! However the reason I am rambling on about this is simple…the quote…back then it was just a line in a movie, but today I fear it’s a valid question in today’s world.

If you watch more than a half hour of news a day it seems the whole world is on the brink. At times I think it is, but I’m not going to focus on the entire world right now I just want to focus here on America. We are facing so much now at this point in history in America it’s not anywhere close to funny. The economy is still shaky at best, unemployment numbers are insane, many of our elected officials in all levels of government still haven’t grasped the concept of ‘We The People’, public officials are getting death threats and assassination attempts, our President is surrounded in so much controversy, this administration seems to be kissing the butt of a communist leader, Muslims are getting more vocal and violent towards the western (our) culture, the legalized murder of unborn children is becoming common practice as a form of birth control, typical yet twisted movements in the left are getting more violent and vocal trying change the way people think and act, etc. that’s just off the top of my head. It’s not just everyday reality either it’s in the entertainment. Themes of violence and sex are in music, movies, and television shows. Turn on prime time T.V. and you will see shows built around themes of sex, violence, rudeness, questionable behavior, rape, and abortion. Even a popular afternoon soap opera has had a side storyline about a 17 year old kid being raped in prison. Is this really what we consider entertainment today? I consider it sick.

Now don’t get me wrong here…I’m not preaching by any means. I’ll be the first to stand up and say I’m guilty of straying from the moral path once and awhile. We all are at some point in our lives. After all we are only human and we make mistakes, however the difference between making mistakes and falling in the trap this stuff sets is the fact that we know right from wrong and we do our best to try to stay on the path. In the end when the mistakes happen we have some level of regret and do our best to get back to the point where we want to be. I have made an observation though thinking about all of this for as long as I have now. Personally I’m 35 years old, lived all my life in Ohio, and I am a product of the public school system. I’m making my observations from my personal life and through the people I know. Now granted I was educated in my religion (I’m of Catholic faith) by my mother and it was what I would say slightly above average. I attended church on a regular basis and catechism up until about 9th grade I believe. ON top of that she took time at home to pray with me and teach me different lessons in our faith. At the time I took it for granted, I was a kid, but now looking back I should have absorbed more. Much of what she taught me I think has prepared me for being a father and a husband. I’m not perfect mind you, but my religious lessons in life has served me well. Anyhow I’ve come to this conclusion…with each passing generation morality has been slightly eroded until now where it seems to be non-existent in today’s society. The younger generations are terrible in my opinion. This moral decay in our society could very well be what’s left in the pot when you boil down everything that is happening in today’s world.

For example my oldest is in second grade. He told me one Friday after I picked him up from school that if a girl calls for him at night to tell her he wasn’t home. I laughed and asked why, and he told me this girl at school was going to call him. She wanted him to sneak out of the house that night and come over to have a sleep over. Now I don’t think he was thinking along the lines I was thinking, and I don’t know if she really meant it like that but come on I don’t remember anything like that happening to me in second grade. I don’t remember much, but I do know I was into stuff like baseball and Star Wars not girls! Another personal experience happened last year when we found out that the 13 year old girl a few houses down was pregnant and even though we cannot confirm it I believe and abortion was the answer. Thirteen years old! I also know of a married couple where the man’s wife physically cheated on him three times with three different guys and has broken their trust countless number of times with extreme flirting. Each time the cheating came to light the remorse from the wife didn’t seem genuine and the husband was made to feel like it was his fault. After a couple of days of turmoil in the marriage the wife got upset and told him it was no big deal to just get over it. Since when is infidelity considered no big deal? We all have stories like this we have experienced through life it just isn’t around dime by any means, but it is a testament to the times we are living in. Like I said we have degraded to the point where immoral issues become entertainment so what should we expect huh.

This great nation was formed from the grace of God. Our founding fathers believed that and I have to say so do I. Come on now seriously think about it. How did the colonies of America who could barley unite together and couldn’t pay for the army we had fight and defeat the greatest military power on the face of the planet at the time? Luck and timing doesn’t justify all of it to say the least. It was divine intervention and all of our founding fathers believed that you can see it in their writings. We are a Judea-Christian nation there is no doubt about it. Our whole system of laws are based on the moral laws of the Christian faith. Now granted we have the first amendment where we have the right to choose and openly practice the religion of our choice, but the fact of the matter is that our country is primarily Christian based. However the left never did like that much and the progressive socialistic movement in this country when it formed didn’t like that much either. You see God and moral behavior meant it was harder for them to be able to control the people. After all even a moderate Christian will trust in God before they would trust in any man or woman. So the answer was to take critical theory (an extreme communistic theory that attacks the foundation of society itself that was considered too crazy for even Karl Marx himself) and imply it in everyday life here in America. We know it today as political correctness. The end result would have people too afraid to take a stand and express their opinion in fear of being targeted as a racist, bigot, or extremist. Sounds familiar huh. Political correctness a.k.a. critical theory has us at each others throats and pushes the left’s agenda by attaching itself to “just causes” in society. They fix a problem and then some. Examples could be the woman’s movement of the 30’s or the civil rights movement of the 60’s. Critical theory attaches itself to the fight for what is right and then once helps achieve the specific goal it pushes it’s agenda through along with it. Similar to what Congress does today in America. The end result is a changed culture that is so self absorbed and greedy with no real sense of what is right and what is wrong. Now today there are so many other movements that don’t just want to change things to what they see is the right way to live, but they want to fundamentally change the structure of America itself. I just want to ask them one question. Do you really think that if you succeed in putting your progressive left in control that you will have the right to free speech to spew your b.s.? The answer is no. They are using you to secure their footholds in American politics for their own controlling agenda and nothing else. They don’t care about your right to abortion or your fight to re-define marriage. All they care about is power and control.

When America’s moral standard was in full swing yes we had problems, but the threat we face today was far off. They new that faith in God and a good moral fiber in society would stop them. Faith, morals, principles, and values give the average person the strength to keep fighting until the end. They give us the ability to win any battle that seems too difficult to overcome. Now in America today we need to strengthen without a doubt all those attributes that once made this country great. If we don’t then my friends I hate to say it no matter how many battles we seem to win the war is already lost. It’s time to renew our faith in God. It’s time to teach our children morals, principles, and values. We need to right now before it’s too late.

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